Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview

Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview – A musical fantasy journey

Music and stories have always gone hand in hand. Sometimes they inspire each other, sometimes they blend into something new and unique. At Erasmuscon 2024 in Rotterdam this August, you can listen to a live performance of music and story. One of the guests at the convention is Cindy-Louise, a singer/songwriter with a strong passion for theatrical rock, pop, and indie folk. In April of this year, she released her latest album: Whispers of a Kingdom. It’s the musical adventure of a Fae queen, showcasing these genres and creating vivid scenes and stories through music. Modern Myths spoke to the artist about her new album and her love for music. Read our Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview!

Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview - Whispers of a Kingdom by Cindy-LouiseSinger/songwriter Cindy-Louise studied and performed opera before transitioning to exploring the depths of alternative music. Driven by a desire for creative independence, she mixes her passion for books, fashion, and fantasy seamlessly into her music, creating a unique artistic tapestry. You’ll find all these influences on her new album: Whispers of a Kingdom.

The album is a musical odyssey inspired by the world of fantasy and myth. The story revolves around a Fae queen on a journey of self-discovery as she grapples with the loss of her kingdom. During her adventures, she encounters many mythical creatures, including vampires and other Fae. Each of these beings adds depth and intrigue to her travels.

Where to listen to Whispers of a Kingdom

You can listen to Whispers of a Kingdom on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon, Tidal, YouTube, and Pandora. All relevant links are collected here: Whispers of a Kingdom. If you want to see Cindy-Louise performing live, you can visit events such as Fantasy Fest, Wishes of Wonder, and even the Hard Rock Cafe in Amsterdam.

Cindy-Louise will also perform live at Erasmuscon 2024, which will be held on 16 – 19 August in WTC Rotterdam. Keep an eye out for more announcements concerning her performance.

Logo Erasmuscon 2024 - Modern Myths

Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview

Modern Myths is also present at Erasmuscon 2024 and we were very curious to know more about Cindy-Louise and her music before seeing her live at the convention. We decided to interview her to learn about her music, her influences, and her passion:

  • Where do you come from?

I’m originally from South Africa, but the Netherlands is my home now. I feel a profound connection with the community that I’ve found here. Everyone is so free, it really helps me create and express myself without worrying about what people think.

  • You studied and performed opera, which is a unique story-driven musical performance in which mythology and legends are often part of the performance. When did you decide to make the transition from opera to your own fantasy music project?

It has been quite a musical journey for me. I always loved the skill of opera and indeed the storytelling, but the atmosphere in which you train was a bit hostile and I did not enjoy that very much. So I decided to create my own original music and I have dabbled with many genres.

I felt that I was still drawn to the storytelling aspect and that is when I decided to combine my love of storytelling and fantasy together in my music. I always want my music to make the audience feel something, that is why I create cinematic and theatrical music. The last two years – 2023 and 2024 – I have been delving deeper into this aspect.

  • Did the transition from opera to your own project come easy, or was it difficult?

The music part was quite easy. I think it was more an emotional thing for me, because I essentially had to give up on my dream to start something new and unknown. Of course, I am happy about it now, but during the first two years, it was quite difficult for me to find my way.

Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview - Cindy-Louise performing live
Cindy-Louise performing live
  • Can you tell us what to expect from Whispers of a Kingdom on the music side?

I have always loved creating music that transports the listener into another world, much like reading a book or embarking on an epic adventure. Whispers of a Kingdom is a blend of various influences, heavily inspired by Celtic folk songs, yet infused with elements of rock and soul to create a unique and immersive soundscape.

  • You have many musical influences like Evanescence, Yonaka, Bad Omens, Sleep Token, and many more. You also discover books through BookTok. Which books and authors inspired you to make Whispers of a Kingdom?

So many wonderful books but to name a few: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, Bride of the Shadow King by Sylvia Mercedes, Blood of the Lotus by Sade Louise, and A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas.

I am honestly forever reading. I just like to also keep my imagination working, therefore I also like to write my own short stories.

Book influences of Cindy-Louise
Cindy-Louise recommends: Blood of the Lotus, A Court of Thorns and Roses and Bride of the Shadow King
  • If asked about rock opera and stories in music, I immediately think of War of the Worlds by Jeff Wayne and the Dutch fantasy album Zilverdael by Alexander Curly, which came out in 1977 (look it up if you haven’t heard of it). Which albums and books do you recommend to our readers who are interested in these combinations of story and music?
The Death of Peace of Mind - Bad Omens
The Death of Peace of Mind – Bad Omens

Definitely read A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. With regards to music, I would say The Death of Peace of Mind by Bad Omens. I like this album because they keep reintroducing musical themes and I love the combination of harsh backing instrumentals and Noah’s (the lead singer) angelic vocals. The tracks are skillfully placed and it is a well-thought-out album. Of course, the music is also just brilliant.

If the Modern Myths readers are looking for softer music, I would suggest Aurora. Her creativity and fairy-like music whisks you away.

  • Can you tell us a little bit more about the fallen Fae Queen of Whispers of a Kingdom? Who is she?

I wanted this album to really embody that of a good novel, something that totally encapsulates the listener and takes them on a journey. To do this, I decided that the story I was writing and creating had to have a main character. That is when I decided that a Fae queen would be the perfect main character. She would be strong in body and mind and have the personality of an empowered woman (inspired by heroines and queens).

In my story, she is kind and fair and always stands for justice. She is also very giving and that quality leads to her downfall because she gives too much of herself and trusts the wrong people. This can be related to my own personality. But like her, I do not let that deter me.

  • How did you find the voice of your Fae queen? How did you develop her?
Whispers of a Kingdom - Cindy-Louise
Whispers of a Kingdom – Cindy-Louise

It all started with the opening track You think you’ve won. From there it was quite easy to find the themes that came alive and the story I wanted to tell. Although the Fae queen may fall through trials and tribulations, one thing stands: her determination to succeed, for herself and her people.

This story and the Fae queen are relatable and like folklore, lessons are learned and a new path is forged. She represents strength, emotion, learned lessons, and the importance of love and kindness.

  • You’ll be at Erasmuscon 2024 in August of this year. What other performances have you planned? Where can our readers find you next?

I have many fun performances coming up. Please be sure to follow me on Instagram (@Cindy-Louise) to be informed of my upcoming shows and performances!


Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview – More info

To learn more about Cindy-Louise and Whispers of a Kingdom, follow the links below. And if you don’t already have your tickets for Erasmuscon 2024, don’t wait too long. We’d love to see you there!

Whispers of a Kingdom - Cindy-LouiseCindy-Louise
Website: Cindy-Louise
Album: Whispers of A Kingdom

Logo Erasmuscon 2024 - Modern MythsErasmuscon 2024
Erasmuscon 2024 – 16 t/m 19 augustus, WTC Rotterdam

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Erasmuscon 2024 Cindy-Louise interview

Jeroen Geelhoed

Jeroen is geboren in 1975, terwijl zijn moeder The Lord of the Rings las. Zelf las hij de boeken op een kwetsbare leeftijd en was daarna nooit meer hetzelfde. Gecombineerd met een onverzadigbare verzameldrang ging Jeroen op avontuur in de Engelstalige Dragonlance boeken en bezit hij ondertussen duizenden Marvel Comics. Zijn favoriete schrijver is Alan Moore, maar daarnaast leest Jeroen net zo graag Harry Mulisch en Thomas Rosenboom. Als gamer speelt Jeroen elke Assassin’s Creed tot 100% uit. Zijn favoriete game is The Secret of Monkey Island. Zijn favoriete films: Labyrinth, Guardians of the Galaxy, No Country for Old Men en The Princess Bride. Kortom, een te diverse smaak en te weinig uren in een dag om in elke hobby tijd te steken. Typisch.

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